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NHST Media Group AS CEO Hege Yli Melhus Ask

NHST Media Group - Quarterly Report 2nd quarter 2020

NHST Media Group recorded progress in several areas in the second quarter of 2020, despite a continued demanding market situation due to Covid-19.
Demand for news services increased significantly in the first months of the year and remained high in the second quarter. Revenues from digital subscriptions rose, while revenues from print publications continued to fall, in line with the long-term t

NHST Media Group CEO Hege Yli Melhus Ask

NHST Media Group - Quarterly Report 1st quarter 2020

The corona outbreak (covid-19) had negative consequences for the NHST Media Group in the first quarter, as for many other businesses in Norway and around the world. The Group’s publications experienced a strong growth in the demand for news and commentaries, resulting in increased traffic on the publications’ websites and increased sale of digital subscriptions. At the same time, advertising inco

NSHT Media Group CEO Hege Yli Melhus Ask

Extraordinary cost reductions at NHST Media Group

NHST Media Group has decided to reduce costs by about NOK 70 million in 2020 to compensate for negative effects of the corona crisis and declining oil prices. Group publications are experiencing record-high readership numbers, but income from advertising and conferences are dropping considerably both in Norway and globally.
- We are delivering important journalism and good products at a difficu

NHST Media Group CEO Hege Yli Melhus Ask

NHST Media Group - Quarterly Report 4th quarter 2019

Initiatives to position NHST Media Group for improved profitability continued in the fourth quarter of 2019. Operations were impacted by challenging and continuously changing market conditions, with increasing competition. The Group sees lower demand for paper based products and declining advertising revenues for traditional media. Meanwhile, cost-cutting efforts in combination with technology and